The headlines of your content is the number one thing people look at before reading the actual content.
It need to be capturing to the readers otherwise they aren’t even going to bother with look at the rest.
Here are some top attracting headline words that will draw people in.
· Interesting, unbelievable, and amazing.
· Life hack, tip, and secret.
· Huge or big.
· Clever, right, and proven
· History
· Scientific or science.
· Important, main, necessary.
It takes a lot of work to get your headline just right to draw in a crowd. It is also the main factor in for readers of your content and also for people to share your content for it to go viral.
If you have headline block and are not able to be creative and inspired, think about it for a while, and when you think of something or feel inspired, that’s when you should write.
Social Media
On Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram shows you top trending topics. Most people share:
· Anything to do with contests.
· Tips to help many people at once.
· Dangers that people should be warned about.
· Anything that shows a certain attitude toward someone or something.
· Unknown and unusual information
· Content that just about anyone would love to read.
· Inspiring and motivational content for pretty much any topic.
The more you post and the better content you post will get people looking at you, and reading more and more content that you put out there.
Sometimes the better thing to post is light and heartwarming content, or sometimes the more opinionated content is what people want.
Different Topics
Don’t just write about the same old stuff over and over again. Try to mix it up a little bit. You want it to be original. Write content as often as you can, just to better yourself.
You will learn what works better for you from your successes and failures. This will help better your writing and will help you create great content, and will help you better analyze your writing.
It will also give you a lot of practice to write potentially viral content. You never really know for sure if your content will go viral, but the more you write, the better potential you have to go viral.
Inspire People
Being inspiring has become very popular all across the internet world. Pictures with inspiring wordings, or quotes, or even entire stories get people’s attention! Pictures definitely help draw people in.
Being inspiring by telling your own story or helping people with things they may be dealing with will help your content go viral.
Buzzfeed is the leader in creating the most viral posts and their lists have been an item for looking into for quite some time now.
Give in to the clichés of the internet. Yes, this includes the infamous cat pictures and videos, or really any animal.
Dress them up in cute little outfits and take some pictures and use them. Not only can you use animals, but your kids will work too.
Everyone always talks about “the new cat video” or “did you see the iguana in the Princess Leia costume?”.
People just can’t get enough of adorable animals in cute little costumes. Even babies in different little costumes is super adorable.
Almost everyone loves to take quizzes, even more when it will tell them something about who they are, or finally put a label on something they couldn’t before.
Most quizzes offer you to share with your friends the results from your quiz, and then many people go on to do the quizzes their friends share, making them very popular.
Amuse and Use Your Heart
Entertaining content is easy and fun to read for most people. Everyone loves sharing entertaining content.
People love to laugh and usually share anything that makes them laugh or just find to be entertaining and fun. Making people laugh and your post could easily become viral.
Stirring up some strong emotions in your readers also helps to get your content out there, as many people share it around.
Many writers forget that people are emotional beings, so use that to your advantage.
These are a few of many different things you can try to create viral content for your blog or just in general.
There is no guarantee that your content will go viral, but reading different viral posts can help you figure out how to write content that may go viral, and give you a general idea of “the formula” to write viral content.
Keep writing and you never know, the next, need to read, article could be yours.